Sunday, March 13, 2011

Electronic Cigarettes-opinions and reviews

One of the best things since sliced bread. I think switching to the e-cigarette could be a life changer for many. I know people who have smoked for years and they where able to make the big switch almost pain free. This can be a healthy way to curb those terrible cravings or to quit completely. A lot of participants stopped all together by weening themselves from the e-cig by slowly cutting down on the nicotine levels until you are vaping just flavor. I  recently started vaping about six months ago and I never looked back. I choose not too lower my nicotine levels because I real enjoy vaping and never planned on quiting. In my opinion it is a lot better then smoking a real cigarette, not to mention all the major health risk associated with smoking. When you vap e-liquids you are steaming the fluid not burning it. There are no carcinogens, tars, or toxin from vaping. I realize that there are no studies to prove any of the health risk associated with long term vapor use, but a little common since says its got to be a lot better for you and the people around you. The great thing about this isd a sweet smelling steam is the only thing left behind allowing me to sneak a drag no matter where I am.

A typical e-cig is broken down into three separate parts, the battery, atomizer and the cartridge. The best way to get started is to buy a kit. They range from 40-80 dollars depending on the style and company that you pick. Most come with everything you will need to get started. Some companies even offer e-liquids samplers. These kits are made by many different companies and vary in price, so it is important to shop around and do your research before purchasing one. Individual parts can also be purchased to customize your set up.

All of the e-liquids made in the United States are liquids made with food grade flavouring and sweeteners. Pick anything from fruit favored, drink flavors, candy flavors, tobacco flavors and even exotic flavors. You can even create and make your own. You have a choice of cutting the flavors with a Propylene Glcol (PG), Vegetable Glycerin (VG) or a blend of the too. Pg will give you a nice throat hit with good flavor transfer. Vg gives a very thick hit filled with white steam and does not transfer the flavor as well. A lot of companies are giving the option two blend them together giving you the best of both worlds.  Once you pick the flavor and how you want it mixed. You can select what nicotine level you want from very strong down to nothing. 

Check back to see my review on the Magma kit i just received from Volcano

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